Steam bath
Steam bath

Steam bath heat causes the body to release endorphins that reduce the feeling of stress in the body. After you will feel rejuvenated and content. Steam clears the skin of impurities. It improves circulation in the whole body, which gives you a healthy glow and will make your skin look and feel great. Sweating removes toxins from the body. Capillaries dilate when exposed to the heat of a sauna or steam room, so blood flows freely and easily through the whole body, transporting oxygen everywhere you need it and leaving you feeling refreshed. Wet heat opens and thins mucous membranes in your body, sinuses, throat and lungs.

Sciatica, Headache, Backpain, Ear ache, Cough, Insomania, Detoxification, Facial paralysis, Constipation, Joint pains, Retention of urine, Stress and Skin disorders.


No9,Ramar kovil street nandambakkam Chennai 600089

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